Get Involved in Ministry

Check out what is happening and how you would like to get plugged in!

Children's Ministry

  • Nursey is staffed for the service so parents can worship free of distractions
  • Jr. Church is for children in K-4th grade.  They are dismissed to their service downstairs after worship.
  • Vacation Bible School happens each summer for a week in July.
  • For all high school kids, Basketball meets each Monday @ 7 pm in the gym.

Fellowship Opportunities

  • Gather happens the 2nd Friday of the month.  It is a time of food, fun,  and fellowship.  See sign-ups on the Event Page.
  • Primetimers is a group of seniors that gathers each month. for a time of fellowship.  They invite a guest speaker and share a meal together. 
  • Reading and Understanding Scripture with Pastor Corey meets at 6:30 PM in the  foyer each Thursday beginning  September 5, 2024

Prayer Groups

  • Every Wednesday evening we have corporate prayer  @7pm in the foyer.  All are invited to attend.


  • Women's Bible Study meets on Tuesday evenings @7pm via Zoom. Click here to join the Zoom!                                                                       The meeting ID: 897 5701 6401
    and password: 020162
  • Women's Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings @10am.  Bonnie Simms is teaching Heroes of Faith.
  • Sunday School for women meets each Sunday after service in the gym.  The lesson is also live on the Christian Women of NJ Facebook page. 
  • Basketball meets each Monday @  7 pm in the gym.  It is not just for men!


  • Basketball meets each Monday @       7 pm in the gym.  
  • Sunday School for men meets each Sunday after service in the pastor's study.  They are currently studying the Book of Numbers.

Care & Support

  • We accept Benevolence Offerings to be used for our own church family when needs arise.  The Deaconry carefully considers all requests.  If there is a need you know of see a deacon.
  • Our Food Pantry is open the 2nd Saturday morning of each month.  Jill Ultimo is the contact person if you want to serve or need assistance.


We are blessed to have our very own missionary!  Eloise  Wierzbicki serves with ReachGlobal and would love to have your support! Click here to learn how you can help!  

Each year we send a team from our church to assist a ReachGlobal mission.  Check out our latest trip video.  Speak to Gerhard Woyzichowsky or Larissa Walsh if you would like to learn more about the next trip!